
On Mon, 14 Jul 2014 17:43:51 +0200
Alexandre Franke <alexandre.fra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> It's 2014 and translators and documentation writers still have to
> spend a lot of time to manually create screenshots. There must be a
> better way. Therefore I'm planning a half-day BoF on this topic at
> This is relevant to you if you're a translator or writer, but we also
> hope people with experience in automated UI testing will show up to
> give us a hand.

Thanks a lot for kicking this off, Alexandre. This is a great agenda for a
shared i18n-L10n-docs session we have been planning to do, so count me
in. :-)

It looks like many people are leaving on the 31st (myself included), so
could we do this on the 30th?

I also updated https://wiki.gnome.org/TranslationProject/Events so
that we have the relevant wiki pages in sync.

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