
¿No hemos contestado a esto nada no? Es para decirle al menos que no es
el momento de mayor actividad en el proyecto y que sería mejor más
adelante :)

Hasta luego!

El sáb, 18-09-2010 a las 16:41 -0500, Paul Cutler escribió:
> Hi GNOME Hispano!
> I apologize for writing this in English, but I unfortunately don't
> speak Spanish.
> Rosanna Yuen had what I thought was a great idea for a potential issue
> of GNOME Journal.  Similar to the special edition issue we did late
> last year with the GNOME Women team, I'd like to see if there is any
> interest in a GNOME Journal special edition written by the GNOME
> Hispano community.
> The goal would be to have 4-7 articles.  Examples we try and include
> in every issue are:
> * Interviews with GNOME hackers
> * Application reviews
> * Developer articles
> * Community and event recaps
> Is anyone interested in writing a recap of GUADEC-ES?  Anyone want to
> an interview?  Who is working on a cool or new application, maybe even
> for GNOME 3.0?
> I've coincidentally already completed a Behind the Scenes interview
> with Federico Mena that would work well for a special edition, if
> there is interest.
> Lastly, I'm hoping to move GNOME Journal to blogs.gnome.org in the
> near future.  I'm currently looking at a localization plugin for
> Wordpress and we may even be able to publish this issue in both
> English and Spanish!
> The GNOME Journal team is more than wililng to help with organizing
> and editing any articles.  If there is interest, we can set a date -
> typically we give authors 4 to 6 weeks to write the article, a week or
> two for the editors and then we publish.  
> Please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in
> moving forward with this idea.
> Thanks!
> Paul Cutler
> pcut...@gnome.org
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> gnome-hispano-list@gnome.org
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