Dear party organizer,

We would like to highlight that the GNOME project is organizing a GNOME users day on Tuesday 15 February for anyone interested to hear about what GNOME 3 will be like. This will be a great opportunity for people to get involved with the new release, to meet members of the GNOME project, and to interact with its members.

As a party organizer and someone who will be representing GNOME 3.0 to your party attendants it might be a good idea to start learning more about this release.

We will be running 3 sessions over the course of the day: 07:00-08:00, 15:00-16:00 and 23:00-24:00 (all times are in UTC/GMT). Sessions will happen on #gnome IRC channel on GIMPnet. Please use your favorite IRC client or to get in.

Further information can be found on the users days wiki page here:

Note this is the first of a series of sessions about GNOME 3.0.

Thank you and see you on the 15th!

gnome-hispano-list mailing list

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