Is there any chance to put Press Release (if you'll prepare any) before
release as well? Even though release notes is good enough to post on web
sites, it's better to forward localized press releases to mailing lists,
and even local media.  

Actually I know some releases haven't got any press release in past, but
just asking this if you'll prepare one for Gnome 2.10. 

Besides i'm wondering if it's possible to prepare a gimp script-fu and
give them to translators in order to make localized screen shots of the
ones in what's new section of release notes. Or is it only drop shadow
and fuzzy edges? 

On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 19:49 +0100, Murray Cumming wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 19:44 +0100, Christian Rose wrote:
> > mÃn 2005-02-21 klockan 13:39 +0100 skrev Murray Cumming:
> > > Hi, translators.
> > > 
> > > As you might know, we create release notes for every GNOME release, such
> > > as these for GNOME 2.8:
> > >
> > > 
> > > For GNOME 2.10 (released March 9th), I plan to finish the release notes
> > > 1 week early, on March 2nd, so that you have the chance to translate it
> > > into other languages.
> > > 
> > > The release notes are written in docbook format, in the releng cvs
> > > module. I don't think we have any special way to deal with docbook yet
> > > like we can deal with po files. So I will just create a translations
> > > directory and you can add a directory under that for each locale.
> > 
> > Couldn't xml2po in gnome-doc-utils be used? I'd myself love to provide a
> > Swedish translation of the release notes (if I can manage time-wise),
> > but if and when I do that I would like to do it as a po file.
> > 
> > I'm just wondering if that would be ok, and if you could later use those
> > po files to produce the translated XML versions at "build" time using
> > the reverse xml2po process.
> Personally I have no idea, but feel free to try. The docbook is in
> releng/2.x/2.10rnotes/
> If this kind of thing works then I have many other uses for it in
> future.
> > How about screenshots? Do you want those to be localized? Is it ok to
> > leave them unlocalized? If we want localized screenshots, we need
> > detailed instructions on how to produce them -- defaults used, themes
> > used, fonts used, other settings used, etc.
> Yes, that would be nice, but I don't think it's essential, and I'm not
> confident that everybody has the same setup, or even the same version of
> GNOME 2.9.
> I'll ask Davy Madeley to do some instructions in case people would like
> to try.
Baris Cicek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> #Key id: 1024D/03190DA8
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