On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 09:29:35 +0100, Heinrich Rebehn

> NO! Please don't remove yet another valuable feature from GNOME! I use
> "Open Terminal" from the desktop quite often and would not want to miss
> it! I dont think the feature hurts anyone.

I have an application launcher for gnome-terminal on my lower panel,
and a shortcut to spawn a terminal assigned to the windows key on my
keyboard; I've *never* used the 'Open Terminal' menuitem, though I do
have at least three terminal windows (not counting the tabs) open
during my typical session; and if an "Open in terminal" menuitem is
added to the directory context menu, the only use of the "open
terminal" item is really gone.

So, I'd second the idea of removing it - for good - in the next
development cycle.


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