Hi Christian and Mikel,

Mikel (aka Hey_neken) is a GNOME basque translator, and he is helping me
to translate this desktop.

It's true that last 3 months I've didn't upload nothing to CVS, this is
the reason: last months I'm working on a Debian based basque distro for
Basque Goverment, so working with B.Gov's translators there are a lot of
new packages translated (they finnished two weeks ago). I'm fixing those
PO and help files before update CVS. I think next week will be able to
upload most of them.

By the other hand, Basque translation team (Mikel and me, and other
voluntaries) are working slowly. This is the procedure: all PO
translated PO files have to be submited to me (to overview and fix the
used terminology). After that are uploaded to CVS. I'd like to follow
this way because on PO files are a lot of new terminology that all
translator should be uses, but unfortunatly sometimes it doesn't
happend. And Basque language needs to use/create those new terminology
and translation style.

B.Gov's translator and me have several discussion about which new
terminology adjust to original messages, which are better and which make
confuse the user. B.G. translators have need more than 6 months to make
they're job. More or less they're translated 400.000 words (including
OOo's new messages and GNOME's help files).

I think that it's very important to use the same terminology and style
on all translated files: why? Because if we think from a normal users
view, all the programs should be with the same messages style and
terminology (glossary), in other case users can loose they're mind
trying to understand the meaning of the messages, and they would think
that GNOME programs are not so easy to use.

I think it's more effective to review translated files before submit to
CVS, than have to be reviewing them after (once they are submited and
propagate to all GNU/Linux distros). 

That's why I'd preffer to follow being GNOME Basque coordinator (and the
task it suposses to me) to force GNOME Basque translated files to use a
unified basque language.

Christian, if you think it's better to give grant to Mikel to access to
CVS, do it. 

Mikel, if you want to take responsibility, it would be okey for me too.
In that case we will be to organize ourself to review all submited
files :)

Best regards for all,


On ar., 2005-03-22 at 22:01 +0100, Christian Rose wrote:
> tis 2005-03-22 klockan 13:36 +0100 skrev Mikel Olasagasti:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > I've been a translator in the GNOME basque team for a while, but our
> > maintainer actually seems to have no time to admin our translations,
> > since it doesn't write or upload nothing in the last 3 months.
> > 
> > Thats why I write asking if it would possible to access with a second
> > account to the CVS to upload translations for the team.
> > 
> > Thanks :)
> Our policy is that translator CVS accounts are only granted if the
> language coordinator for that language supports it.
> So in this case, what we would want to do is first and foremost to try
> to contact the current Basque coordinator. If he doesn't reply in a
> week, we should replace him with a new Basque coordinator. Mikel, are
> you volunteering for this position?
> In any case, nothing will happen with any accounts and so on until
> either you get in contact with the current coordinator and get approval
> from him, or we have a new Basque coordinator that can approve any
> accounts. We do not want any teams without an active coordinator.
> Iņaki, consider this an official reminder. If you don't reply with a
> good explanation within a week, we'll appoint another Basque
> coordinator.
> Mikel, please clarify whether you're volunteering for the position, and
> please remind us when a week has passed.

> Christian

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