Ãhel kenal pÃeval, R, 2005-05-06 kell 16:34, kirjutas Clytie Siddall:
> On 06/05/2005, at 4:27 AM, Christian Neumair wrote:
> > I'd like to release the next gnome-menu-editor version (0.3) on Sunday,
> > 2005-05-08. I'd appreciate translation updates, which are necessary due
> > to my recent commits.
> My next cvs problem (sorry): there was no Vietnamese translation for 
> this file, so I copied one of the existing translations, changed its 
> filename, and edited the fields. cvs did not like this.
When there is no translation for the particular program, I usually take
the pot file from the http://l10n-status.gnome.org

Also there is usually no need to merge translations by hand (and
download the sources, and generate the pot file). The files in
translation stats pages have been already merged.
Priit Laes <amd store20 com>

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