On Wed, 20 Jul 2005 19:02:02 +0545
Paras pradhan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hi,
> For the 2 methods mentioned, i have to download  huge source files
> in order to check the gettext name and will be terriblle in my poor
> internet connection.

You need not check out the whole source.
just doing  cvs co gedit/configure.in   - will get u configure.in for
gedit ..etc.

> checking the gettext name is the only the way out?.
> here i don't compile from sources... i use debain and do apt-get
> install gnome-desktop-environmentm which is the very convinent for
> me.
> just a thought:
> i think the some one from the list from some country whose gnome
> 2,.10 or 2.12 can do a simple ls -al /usr/share/locale/XX/
> LC_MESSAGES/ and paste in this email.

I dont have 2.10/2.12 , but here is output from FC4.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# ls /usr/share/locale/hi/LC_MESSAGES/g*
gail.mo                  gnome-mag.mo             gnome-utils-2.0.mo
gaim.mo                  gnome-media-2.0.mo       gnome-vfs-2.0.mo
gal-2.4.mo               gnomemeeting.mo          gnopernicus.mo
gcalctool.mo             gnome-menus.mo           gok.mo
gconf-editor.mo          gnome-mime-data.mo       gthumb.mo
gdm.mo                   gnome-netstatus.mo       gtk20.mo
gedit.mo                 gnome-panel-2.0.mo       gtk20-properties.mo
glib20.mo                gnome-session-2.0.mo     gtkhtml-3.6.mo
gnome-applets-2.0.mo     gnome-system-monitor.mo  gtksourceview-1.0.mo
gnome-desktop-2.0.mo     gnome-terminal.mo        gucharmap.mo
gnome-games.mo           gnome-themes.mo

my gnome is 2.8.x , compared with it the naming is not much different.

as said by Christian, this version no in mo filename was needed
earlier, when gnome 2.0 just came since gnome 1.x used to be present
then, it seems to have carried on, in some cases it is becoz multiple
versions of a library are bein used.

so by default keep the naming as  PACKAGE.mo  , else check the
configure.in for the package.



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