lør, 23,.07.2005 kl. 06.21 +0545, skrev Pawan Chitrakar:
> hi!
> i have been working with the Nepali team to translate gnome into
> nepali and we have done much of the work ....
> and we would like to get some advice on change of string when will it
> be freezed for next release.
> thanks
> pawan

I assume you are wondering when the string freeze date is, right? It is
August 8th according to
http://live.gnome.org/ReleasePlanning_2fTwoPointEleven . Please also
note that after August 8th "no string changes may be made without
confirmation from the l10n team (gnome-i18n@) and notification to both
the release team and the GDP (gnome-doc-list@)." so string changes can
happend after August 8th as well.

I hope this was helpful :-)


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