On 8/10/05, Ross Golder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > *Cannot open file /tmp/#cvs-po.lastdir.595.  <-- *What's all this about? :\
> I'm aware of this. The precommit for the cvs-po-commits-list script (in
> CVSROOT/commitinfo) is creating this temp file based on the parent PID,
> and the corresponding script in postcommit is using it's PID to pick up
> the data prepared during the precommit.
> However, for some reason the parent PIDs aren't matching (especially now
> that the precommit for the cvs-po-commits-list hook is spawned from the
> precommit script for the po validation hook). IMHO, a better way needs
> to be found to let the postcommit hook uniquely identify the data
> gathered by the precommit hook. I expect there are shedloads of leftover
> #cvs-po.lastdir.nnnnn files in /tmp.

In this case, how about preparing a tempfile (with mktemp or whatever)
inside check-po-commit.sh, then supply this filename to
po-commits-prep.pl? Though if one said this isn't clean at all, I'd agree...


> Suggestions welcome.
> --
> Ross
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