Hi Murray,

On Thursday at 23:28, Murray Cumming wrote:

> On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 23:14 +0200, Danilo Šegan wrote:
>> Today at 16:19, Murray Cumming wrote:
>> > It would be good if the experts added some instructions here:
>> > http://live.gnome.org/ReleaseNotes_2fTranslating
>> I have put the instructions on the page above.
> Thanks. Remember that the Tour and the Release Notes are two different
> things. It doesn't seem likely that we'll finish the Tour in time for
> the 2.12 release, unless someone other than me does it.

Ok, I've noticed you updated the Wiki page, and I've updated the
stats.  It should all be set now for translation.

I also noticed that you added a press release?  Want me to add that to
the stats as well?

Btw, it would be nice to add ChangeLog files inside either "docbook"
or "notes" subdirectories, since making translators check-out entire
gnomeweb-wml just to commit a PO file and figures seems like waste of
bandwidth, and will cause more conflicts for them than needed.  Do you
mind if I add them myself for all the relevant modules?

>> Release Notes are now a proper gnome-doc-utils module, so everyone can
>> track the status online at: 
>>   http://kvota.net/doc-l10n/by-modules.html#gnome-tour
> Excellent. That seems to be the Tour. Can we have the Release Notes on
> there too, please.

Yeah, it's there where you already expected it:



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