Hi Ross,

> Where can we find the raw data for starting this? I might create a first
> draft and check it in somewhere to get the ball rolling.

It's not available centrally (if it was, we wouldn't need this :), so
I'll be putting out sources as I go through your example and
Christian's "addendums".

Today at 9:33, Ross Golder wrote:

>> > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> > 
>> > <i18nteams>
>> >  <team lang="th">
>> >   <englishname>Thai</englishname>
>> >   <nativename>ไทย</nativename>

These 3 (code, english name, native name) are available on


>> >   <website>http://gnome-th.sf.net/</website>
>> >   <coordinator>
>> >    <!-- actually, I'm not, just an example -->
>> >    <name>Ross Golder</name>
>> >    <email>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</email>
>> >   </coordinator>

Developer website and coordinator info from:


>>   <developerwebsite>http://www.gnome.se/sv/</developerwebsite>
>>   <userwebsite>http://www.gnome.se/</userwebsite>

developerwebsite would be the one listed on teams.html, and
userwebsite would be one listed on gnome.org/i18n/. 

>> 2. We should try to keep the Bugzilla information as well. Perhaps:
>>   <bugzillainitialowner>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</bugzillainitialowner>
>>   <bugzillainitialqacontact>[EMAIL PROTECTED]</bugzillainitialqacontact>

This would have to be extracted from Bugzilla itself.

>> 3. Some teams maintain more than one variant of the translations; e.g.
>> the Serbian team maintains both the "sr" translation (Cyrillic script)
>> and the "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" translation (Latin script). I'm not sure about 
>> how
>> that information should be added... Perhaps the simplest thing is just
>> to make cases like that appear as different teams in the database,
>> although they are in reality the same team?

Please do not forget about this when crafting a DTD (so, separating
languages and teams, making "lang" an ID, and using IDREF for each
team might be the way to go, but I am probably missing a whole lot of
problems 8).

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