ons 2005-10-05 klockan 10:44 +0200 skrev Carlos Perelló Marín:
> > > If you'd prefer not to host it on your own server, and if there is
> > > willing to maintain it, I expect some space could possibly be arranged
> > > on one of the real gnome.org servers. It's just easier for the GNOME
> > > sysadmins to set up a DNS entry than it is to set up new user accounts
> > > and a secure/capable hosting area etc. It would probably get rolling
> > > quicker if hosted externally, at least to begin with ;)
> > 
> > I agree with Ross; an external solution is probably the best in the
> > short run, but in the long run, GNOME translation status pages and the
> > translation status page scripts make sense to have hosted on the
> > gnome.org servers. That will make sure that:
> > 
> > * There are always several people distributed around the world who can
> > access the machine and fix it if needed (gnome.org sysadmins)
> > * The pipe is already a *very* Fat (tm) one
> > * The status pages will not be inaccessible again when some single
> > individual moves/goes on vacation/loses his job/gets hit by a bus and is
> > unable to maintain them
> > * The translation status pages will have access to the repository which
> > sits right next to it at the very same location
> > 
> > The only thing needed for the translation status pages to be hosted at
> > the real, live gnome.org servers is for someone to figure out what kind
> > of CPU/memory/disk resources it needs, and is prepared to help set it
> > up, or at least give sufficient instructions for having it set up.
> > 
> > So what's the required configuration?
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/srv/l10n # du -hs .
> 6.9G    .
> and the process takes near 4 hours with an AMD Sempron(tm)   2800+ and
> 768MB of RAM
> With more RAM and faster CPU the process should be also faster. The main
> problem here is the hard disk I/O that's why we had to move it outside
> widget the first time, the server load was really high.

widget has since then been replaced by window. window.gnome.org is a
dual Xeon 2.8 GHz server with 2 GB memory and RAID1 SCSI disks.

This should be doable, right?

> As I said in other email, I don't mind to give shell access to you
> (Christian), danilo or any GNOME admin to have a "backup"

Still, I think the Translation Status pages are too important to be
hosted off-site. The work of the GTP effectively stops completely when
the status pages are not working.

If you are on vacation and the current server hosting the pages goes
down, we aren't helped much by shell accounts. Sure, we can probably
call someone, but whom? And how fast can it be fixed?

With the gnome.org servers, emergency plans for all of that are already
in place, and have been proven to be working. But having the translation
status pages hosted somewhere completely else where I and others don't
have any information of that sort doesn't make me sleep well at night.


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