Denis Jacquerye wrote:

I really like the idea but it seems like a huge task, at least if you
really want to have all of the countries and regions' holidays.
Gathering all this information would require a lot of dedicated
people, with proper knowledge of each country and region.
It will be hard to keep up with every year's calendar, especially
since some countries keep changing government, constitution or

Properly gathering, vetting and maintaining other kinds of locale information is also a huge task - so that part is not much different.

Many civic holidays in most countries seem to reoccur annually on a given date (or often on the following day if the date falls on a weekend). These holidays shouldn't be difficult to calculate. However the dates for those holidays which are based on religious occasions often seem to be based on older (often complex) calendars - and to work these dates out one may first need to figure out a way of accurately calculating these calendars if they are not already implemented.

Of course it my not be possible to calculate with accuracy those holidays whose dates are dependent on the time at which someone at a given location first sees some particular astronomical phenomena.

- Chris
gnome-i18n mailing list

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