On Wed, 2005-11-16 at 11:37 -0600, Shaun McCance wrote:
> ScrollKeeper is hosted on SourceForge.  I haven't seen
> any of the maintainers around in a long while, and the
> ChangeLog shows no updates in the last seven months.
> But hopefully we'll find a way to get Nepali support
> in and get a release made.
> Here's instructions on how to grab it from CVS:
> http://scrollkeeper.sourceforge.net/cvs.shtml
> It should be intltool-ified, so adding your translation
> should be the same as for any Gnome project.  I've just
> sent an email to the ScrollKeeper developers asking how
> best to add translations.
> Without a ScrollKeeper translation, documents translated
> to your language will, apparently, not be picked up by
> ScrollKeeper, and thus will not be displayed in Yelp.
> Please make sure you've translated ScrollKeeper.

All right, I should have suspected this.  ScrollKeeper's
translations are maintained by the Translation Project.


So  you'll have to go through them to get Nepali added.


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