
Reply bellow.

On Joi, Feb 16, 2006 18:57, Shaun McCance wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-02-16 at 16:34 +0000, Calum Benson wrote:
>> On 16 Feb 2006, at 14:43, Victor Osadci wrote:
>> >
>> > Any chance of having a review for Epiphany ? There was a lot of
>> > work on
>> > the bookmarks system, toolbars, preferences, etc., and a review
>> > would be
>> > quite useful for the upcoming release, as well as for the next
>> > development cicle.
>> /Possibly/ too late, I would say... it would have to be done on
>> Monday now, which is a full week after the string freeze.  Cc'ing
>> gnome-docs and gnome-i18n though (and snipping usability list), to
>> see if they would consider it too late.
> I don't really know who maintains the Epiphany Manual.  There
> are a number of authors listed in the DocBook, but none of them
> are marked as maintainers. [1]
> The ChangeLog isn't showing many commits to the documentation
> this release cycle, but somebody might have edits that aren't
> yet in CVS.

I am working a bit on the ephy manual for the next stable release, and,
big surprise, I'm all for the review.

What do the gnome-i18n guys think of this?

> --
> Shaun


Victor Osadci
+373 69 083081
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