Hello translators,

Just wanted to give you a heads-up that Dia
(http://www.gnome.org/projects/dia) is going to have its 0.95 release
within a few weeks, maybe as soon as next weekend.  So if you're missing
some translations, now would be the perfect time.

Our internal translation report shows this:

Entry format:
   country_code percentage% (translated,fuzzy,total)
translated includes fuzzy entries.
am: 25%(527/235/2037)*        ml: 15%(319/164/2037)*
az: 72%(1481/688/2037)*       mn: 14%(288/69/2037)*
be: 55%(1124/435/2037)*       ms: 85%(1745/365/2037)*
bg: 90%(1844/223/2037)*       nb: 86%(1771/45/2037)*
bs:  4%(93/11/2037)*          ne: 94%(1929/183/2037)*
ca: 82%(1684/362/2037)*       nl: 93%(1898/195/2037)*
cs: 95%(1945/48/2037)*        nn: 66%(1354/890/2037)*
da: 85%(1747/386/2037)*       no: 86%(1771/45/2037)*
de: 91%(1855/184/2037)*       pa: 24%(509/0/2037)*
el: 71%(1453/773/2037)*       pl: 84%(1722/315/2037)*
en_CA: 99%(2032/0/2037)*      pt_BR: 97%(1978/0/2037)*
en_GB: 97%(1996/4/2037)*      pt: 94%(1926/185/2037)*
es: 99%(2033/1/2037)          ro: 76%(1566/616/2037)*
eu: 99%(2033/0/2037)*         ru: 97%(1978/7/2037)*
fi: 97%(1985/0/2037)*         rw: 55%(1136/908/2037)*
fr: 98%(2010/204/2037)*       sk: 85%(1747/359/2037)*
ga: 17%(364/98/2037)*         sl: 77%(1570/583/2037)*
gu: 15%(318/27/2037)*         sq: 65%(1341/1056/2037)*
hr: 88%(1800/293/2037)*       [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 92%(1881/104/2037)*
hu: 99%(2031/0/2037)*         sr: 92%(1881/104/2037)*
id: 97%(1977/115/2037)*       sv: 87%(1779/257/2037)*
is:  8%(168/48/2037)*         tr: 66%(1357/736/2037)*
it: 93%(1907/212/2037)*       uk: 88%(1798/293/2037)*
ja: 93%(1903/212/2037)*       vi: 99%(2033/0/2037)*
ko: 42%(862/641/2037)*        zh_CN: 73%(1500/518/2037)*
mk: 46%(939/579/2037)*        zh_TW: 94%(1930/24/2037)*

Only Vietnamese, Hungarian, Spanish, and Basque at 99%?

Lars Clausen ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://lars.raeder.dk)
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the
 death your right to say it."
    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire

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