Hi Ross,

Yesterday at 22:38, Ross Burton wrote:

> This morning I committed a change to SJ that changes a set of translated
> strings from "Sample Artist", etc to real data.  I marked these as
> translatable but I only expect them to be translated if the translation
> is for a country that has never heard of The Beatles (this is documented
> in the code comments).
> Hopefully this is okay and I haven't upset the release team/i18n team
> too much.  If I have, I can revert the change.

As I told you privately already, yes, I'd like you to either revert
this change, or remove N_() markers if you don't want these to be

I have already explained for a hundred times why this is important to
us to have no string changes during this period, and don't feel like
repeating right now: in short, string freeze is there for a reason.

(basically, imagine 50 [and we have nearly 100] modules doing only 4-5
string changes, which amounts to a total of 200-250 string changes in
entire Gnome, which is almost 1% of full Gnome translation, and can
thus hurt some languages when we judge their status; not to mention
that it means more work for 50+ translators)

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