Op Wed, 29 Mar 2006 16:11:40 +0300
schreef Tommi Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 2006-03-29T14:58:04+0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Browsing through the status pages (we have 100 languages now!) I
> > found a strange language that I haven't heard of before: nl-1
> > Looking closer I see that there's only one module translated, and
> > it's an old version of a gucharmap module translated to Dutch
> > (nl) 
> That nl-1.po was committed by Vincent van Adrighem many days ago.
> Can you Vincent explain us curious people what is that language?-)
> It is only in gucharmap branch gnome-2-14, and it is not listed in
> configure.ac ALL_LINGUAS. So was this some kind of mistake or not?
> What is the difference between Dutch (nl) and nl-1?
Oh my...I'm so sorry. That's a mistake commit. It should be removed.

I tried to remove it, but the cvs server won't let me. It seems
there's a bug in the server side scripts that don't let someone
remove a po file:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/source/gucharmap/po$ cvs remove nl-1.po
cvs server: scheduling `nl-1.po' for removal
cvs server: use 'cvs commit' to remove this file permanently
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/source/gucharmap/po$ cvs ci
cvs commit: Examining .
*** ERROR MESSAGE FROM Gnome Translation Team ***
You are trying to commit an invalid .po file!
Please verify it first with msgfmt. Any problems
please contact <gnome-i18n@gnome.org>.

msgfmt: error while opening "nl-1.po" for reading: No such file or
directory cvs server: Pre-commit check failed
cvs [server aborted]: correct above errors first!
cvs commit: saving log message in /tmp/cvsQRhwdY
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/source/gucharmap/po$

Can someone help us out here?

Kind regards,
Vincent van Adrighem

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