On 21/06/2006, at 2:14 AM, Christian Rose wrote:

> So you probably see why I am frustrated and suspicious about the
> situation. To ease my mind, could you please give me a reference
> (preferrably an URL) that points to past Urdu translations that you
> have produced? It would be a lot of help in determining that this time
> it's "for real", before we make a decision about the new
> coordinatorship for Urdu.

Also, Muhammad, when you have any problems with the task, please ask  
questions here. :)

We all had to start at the beginning, and we have all met with  
difficulties of one kind or another. We help each other, within our  
teams, and here on the mailing list.

We all have times when we are confused, can't find the appropriate  
information, need help with one thing or another. We run out of time,  
we have trouble communicating, we have technical problems. This is  
the same for all of us.

So please don't give up. When you need help, please ask. We do this  
job together. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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