I'd just like to remind translators that anyone who contributes to
GNOME (yes, that includes translations!) may be eligable for a GNOME
Foundation membership. So if you aren't a member of the GNOME
Foundation already, you can always ask to become a member.

If you are a coordinator for a language team, please also forward this
to the active translators in your team, so that they request for GNOME
Foundation membership as well.

What is the GNOME Foundation?
The GNOME Foundation is the foundation behind GNOME. It takes care of
the GNOME brand, trademarks, hardware, any donations GNOME might get,
and arranges GNOME conferences such as GUADEC. You can read more about
the GNOME Foundation at http://foundation.gnome.org/

Who can be a member in the GNOME Foundation?
Anyone who has contributed to GNOME, be it code, documentation,
translations, or other substantial contributions.

I've only translated some GNOME applications into my language.
Can I be a member?

Why should I be a member in the GNOME Foundation?
Being a member gives you the right to vote in the GNOME Foundation
board elections. As a member, you can that way, for example, influence
what GNOME should spend any money it should get on. Also, as a
Foundation member you may officially represent the Foundation at local
events, or get funding for representing GNOME, for example.

Also, being a GNOME Foundation member, you can get a cool @gnome.org
e-mail alias as well, should you want it.

How do I become a member?
You simply follow the instructions at
http://foundation.gnome.org/membership/ for applying for membership.

I'm already a GNOME Foundation member. How do I get the cool @gnome.org
e-mail alias I'm entitled to?
Follow the instructions on
http://developer.gnome.org/doc/policies/accounts/ for requesting an
e-mail alias.

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