
As you know, currenly I have started to play with Sun QA Matrix. I
really would like to have a tool similar to LISA QA model that fits well
with OLT, kbabel and the rest of the tools.

One of the problems I see is that industry is progresively using xliff
format, and all our i18n technology still is peacefully stuck with po
file format, even for documentation.

I'd would like to know if from the tech point of view it would be more
convenient to start using xliff, and how difficult could be to support 
that technology.

I have seen screenshots of LISA QA model, but no idea about how it
works. I have some ideas about how to implement some tests specifically
for Spanish language.

El mié, 28-06-2006 a las 16:57 +0200, Arturo Aguilar escribió:
> Hi Francisco,
> I am glad to hear about this initiative.  I will be happy to collaborate with 
> you in any way possible. I work in the
> L10n team at Novell and we have localization processes for close and open 
> source products, we use QA matrix (a
> customized version of the LISA QA model) to rate translations work, etc.  So 
> just let me know what exactly do you want
> to know about Novell's procedures. Are you interested in knowing everything 
> from development, UA, file handling, vendor
> and volunteer work, our QA model?  
> I have looked and exchanged information with Sun about their QA process in 
> the past, and we recently have updated our
> QA matrix to be in line with some of the most recent LISA QA model 
> recommendations.
> We also use language style guides.
> Regards,
> Arturo
> >>> "Francisco Javier F. Serrador" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 06/28/06 4:19 PM >>> 
> Hi
> I have been searching information about quality assurance and control in
> the localization processes, mostly reading about LISA QA and QA Matrix
> at Sun. I would like to know if there are more GNOME translators and
> developers interested about how to improve our different translation
> teams, from the point of view of applications and organization.
> Now I'm writing a guide for Spanish team, but some parts of this guide
> could be useful for other teams, so I'm planning to rewrite that parts
> in English.
> I am using some Sun and LISA documents as starting point, but I would
> like to have more information about procedures at Novell about
> localization. 
> People interested about this research for GNOME and libre software in
> general, please mail me.
> Cheers!
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