On 7/18/06, Jamil Ahmed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Btw, I applied for translator's CVS account long time ago. Assigned
> > > ticket ID was [gnome.org #1065]. But didn't get any response yet.
> >
> > Oh, yes, thanks for reminding.
> > I looked at it now and searched through CVS and it seems that there
> > are only 6 bn.po files in GNOME CVS which list you as a contributor,
> > and almost all of those contributions are from 2003. Please see
> > http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/RequestingAnAccount -- it is
> > in general only recent personal contributions that count. In other
> > cases, you are expected to be able to strongly motivate why you need
> > an account. Can you clarify please?
> Sorry for late reply.
> Actually the BN peoples who have CVS accounts - are now in bn_IN team.
> So currently none of BN [Bangladesh] team has CVS account. Yes for
> long time I didn't do any full translations. But some of our current
> team members did and they don't have good internet connection. So my
> plan is to collect their translations and commit. FYI, we all live in
> same city.

Well then, I assume we can make an exception for you, since you say
the others in your team have problems committing themselves, and that
we know you have contributed yourself in the past.
Your account request will be dealt with within a few days.

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