
I am the initial author the Nemiver C/C++ debugger and I would like to
request your help to provide translations for that project.

The Nemiver project is a recent effort to write a C/C++ debugger for
the GNOME environment. Our homepage is at http://home.gna.org/nemiver.
An initial 0.1 version has been released already and we have had quite
a lot of positive feedback. We are now preparing a 0.2 release that
should see the light in the coming days. We would be glad to integrate
your translations for that coming release and for all the subsequent

Nemiver is unfortunately is _not_ hosted on the GNOME CVS. Check out
the homepage at http://home.gna.org/nemiver to learn about our SVN

You can send your translations to the mailing list at
nemiver-list@gna.org, or simply file a patch in the bugzilla at
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=nemiver .

If you feel like having a write access to our SVN repository could
make your life as a translator easier, please just ask on
nemiver-list@gna.org . We will be glad to grant you the write access.

Please, note that I maintain the French translation myself but I
nevertheless accept feedbacks and patches for it.

Wishing you the best,

gnome-i18n mailing list

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