Hi Pema,

Yesterday at 13:16, Pema Geyleg wrote:

> Is there a document on what needs to be done from our side? I also saw the
> branch for gnome 2.18 and we would be updating to it after committing a last
> updates on gnome 2.14.

Yes, you can still use your old account.

To checkout a module from 'HEAD' (now called 'trunk'), you'd now instead do:

  svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/MODULE/trunk DIRECTORY


  svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/gtk+/trunk gtk+

To check it out from any other branch, you'd have to do:

  svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/MODULE/branches/BRANCH DIRECTORY


  svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/svn/gtk+/branches/gtk-2-10 gtk+.gtk-2-10

When you update your translation in DIRECTORY/po (just like before,
either using file from progress.gnome.org or using intltool-update on
your translation), and add a ChangeLog entry, you commit them using
'svn ci':

  svn ci -m 'Updated LANGUAGE translation.'

I'll be adding svn-commit hooks to be able to update status pages
almost-real-time (i.e. they will be regenerated as soon as you commit
your translation).

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