> On 2007-02-16T22:36:08+0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> I've just reverted it to " %d items" (from _(" %d items") ).
>> So no translation(s) should be done for GNOME 2.18. as it
>> currently stands.
> Does this mean that the string is now only shown in English, but it is
> not translatable? I just asking this because _marking existing strings
> as translatable_ does not count as string freeze break, but of course
> announcement of such fix is very nice for translators. (Also in my
> understanding adding new strings, but not marking those as
> translatable can be taken as string freeze break...)

It's one of those cases where _we would really like_ the string to have
been translated but we also want to respect that there is a string freeze
on and we were just a little too late.

This is a single string in a new file that makes the nautilus file browser
much easier to use for blind people when used with Orca. By doing the
reversion above, yes the string will now mean that the string will only be
in English.

I don't know of any way "to have our cake and eat it too".

If there is a better way to handle this (apart from inventing a time
machine and going back to last Thursday week), please let us know.


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