On Mon, 2007-03-05 at 08:03 +0300, Ilkka Tuohela wrote:
> Is it possible to get a raw text module branching list to the
> progress.gnome.org site?
> I'm on the list, but it's so easy to miss a message about some
> branched module sometimes, and you end up translating HEAD and
> wonder why the module status does not change on the progress
> pages at all.
> I would prefer something directly linked from release toplevel
> of the progress pages for, listing all modules and their versions
> in a format you can automate to check local copies, example:
> - from page http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/gnome-2-18 we could
>   have a link on top 'current module branches'
> - current module branches can be a normal web page, but I would
>   like to get a plain text file as well, for example like:
> wget -O- http://l10n.gnome.org/releases/gnome-2-18/branches.txt
> [platform]
> gtk+  gtk-2-10
> glib  trunk
> [desktop]
> alacarte   trunk
> evolution  trunk
> [developer]
> devhelp    trunk
> glade3     trunk
> Format of this file is irrelevant, just something you can parse
> automatically. Of course when we have the file itself, we should
> provide scripts to use it:
> - pull all source trees for given release set
> - check against local release set tree and check if any modules
>   have been branched for which you have a trunk copy of
> - whatever useful we can think of
> As far as I understand this file can be generated automatically by
> the code which updates the progress pages, so it should not be too
> big task to implement, or if the progress pages are in database, it
> could pull current release set configuration automatically.
> I'm happy to help implementing this, but just wanted to start first
> discussion... we might already have this, or my ideas could be maybe
> done better somehow.

There is releases.xml.in from the damned-lies module, as shown at

Some pretty page with the info would be beneficial.


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