
On Mon, 2007-05-28 at 14:28 +0200, Benoît Dejean wrote:

> So if gnome-vfs is not going to be fix, you can :
> - fix each program (that's what i did
> http://svn.gnome.org/viewcvs/gnome-system-monitor/branches/gnome-2-14/src/util.c?r1=1159&r2=1205
>  )

I would even rate that patch as wrong. Users should not be confronted
with binary prefixes. Doing so is considered legacy behavior. So this
patch should divide by multiples of thousands and use kB, MB and GB.


There are certainly some cases where binary prefixes are not avoidable
and perhaps it would be a good idea to use the correct symbols then. But
I think it would be wrong to enforce binary prefixes on the GNOME users
when it comes to file sizes.

But seriously, this discussion should be taken elsewhere.


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