Le mardi 09 octobre 2007 à 18:27 +0200, Frederic Peters a écrit :
> Bonjour tout le monde[1],

Salut Frédéric [2],

> Together with Olav Vitters we have been updating GNOME websites to
> match the future www.gnome.org layout; library.gnome.org got it
> first and mail.gnome.org and svn.gnome.org were converted recently.
> I had a quick look into damned-lies svn module and it should be quite
> easy to do the port, I can handle this if everyone agrees.

Yes, I support this idea. Vuntz already opened a bug report about this
[3] and I suggest we manage the process there. I'd like to have a patch
to quickly test it locally before pushing it online.



> [1] part of vuntz plan for French domination.
[2] I'm part of the conspiration.
[3] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=485120

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