On 10/21/07, Claude Paroz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now if the team leader thinks he doesn't need further help to accomplish
> his duty, we should respect this. SVN access should not be considered as
> a reward for good work. It's given when there is a real need to fulfil.
> And we cannot judge about this, only the current coordinator is able to
> estimate this.
> Guilherme knows that you're ready to take more responsibilities as soon
> as it's needed.

Hi Claude,

Thank you for stepping in. I completely understand every little bit of
what you said. And though I don't complete agree about svn account not
being a reward for good work, I can obviously respect the decision.
The issue was that I did not receive any feedback during this whole
process. And since both Guilherme and Lucas Rocha told me before we
released 2.18 that I would be considered for the account, I was
expecting something.. at least a note.

For the last 12 months the major bulk (approx. 95%) of commits has
been handled by one person: Leonardo Fontenelle. The other 5% was
handled by Raphael Higino, who unfortunately passed away just
recently. :/  During the last weeks before 2.20 we had the help of
Jonh Wendell who helped tremendously with the last push.

My request for an account is based on the fact that, with only
Leonardo doing this job and his recent comment that he has plans to
take on more personal matters and therefore not have the same amount
of time available for the triaging/commit process, we will be
extremely shorthanded!

But anyhow, though I would be extremely disappointed if my request is
denied for the second time, I basically expected a whole lot more
consideration and at least a note explaining the reasoning behind it.

So I kindly ask that the other Brazilian translators, including
Leonardo, comment of the issue and if they think we have enought
knowleageable people to do the work? Since we've been working together
for the last 12 months and have first hand insight into the current
situation, I think their feedback is valuable to attest if the
decision has any merit or not.  Is that ok Claude?

> I hope you'll understand this, and I'm sure your contributions will
> always be much appreciated in the FOSS community. Keep the good work!

Thank you for the kind words... right now all I can say is that I have
always done my work placing the end user above anything or anyone.
However, not having my request for a svn account doesn't quite show me
any appreciation from the administration of the team... Hopefully the
final word hasn't been said yet about this issue. Which gives me more
time to ponder my future as a translator for the GNOME project.

Og B. Maciel


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