Op Maandag 2007-12-17 skryf [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Dear friends,
> I write why I'm in difficulty.
> I want to ask the following questions:
> 1) I take like example the file gnome-session.HEAD.pot. I translate the file, 
> rename the file *.po,
> and then with the command msgfmt - cv I generate the file message.mo. Then I 
> rename this file
> in gnome-session-2.0.mo and I copy it in the directory 
> /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGE/ in order to
> try if the translate is right. But it does not work. What could be?
> 2) I have translate following files gnome-session, libgnomeui, and 
> gnome-menus. Which others files
> I must translate to see some change to my GNOME?
> 3) I must find a friend voluntary that it can transmit mine files to the SVN 
> of GNOME?
> There is someone disposed one to help me?
> Thanks of the answers
> Massimo Furlani Friulian Team

Hallo Massimo

I think a very useful and very small file to translate is outside the
GNOME project:

These are the common directories like "Videos", "Pictures", "Documents"
and these things. I think it can have a big impact with a small amount
of work. The effect will be visible in most GNOME applications.

About the GNOME and GTK+ translations: if your time is very limited, you
can consider leaving some error messages and the GTK+ properties
untranslated for a start. The GTK+ "stock" translations are used in many
applications, and will give you good motivation with minimal work at the
start. These “stock” messages are things like “OK”, “Cancel”, “Open”,
“Save”, “Print”, “Warning”, “Undo”, “Preferences” that are used in many

Keep well

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