I have built the GOBJECT_WORK branch. Jolly good overall, I like the
cleanliness of the interface that is the landmark of GTK applications.

I have filed these bugs, in order of seriousness:
Bug 506321 – Some text is chopped off in the strings' table for RTL
Bug 506326 – Avoid the horizontal scroll bar
Bug 506328 – Left align English text column in RTL languages.

One final issue: I noticed in the preferences that you can place the
sidebar either to the left or the right but that is not yet implemented.
The direction could be reversed for RTL languages.


في س، 29-12-2007 عند 13:15 +0100 ، كتب Nacho:
> Here you have a screenshot:
> http://bp2.blogger.com/_d2pc0IsKLgw/R3Y4lJuOzjI/AAAAAAAAADE/v60Nmj7FCIc/s1600-h/Captura+de+pantalla-Gtranslator.png
> 1)  We now message table colors aren't a good idea and we are working
> to fix that using icons.
> 2)  I added to boxes at the right to show the comments the first it is
> for extracted comments
> and the second for custom colors. 
> What do you think about this way to show the comments? Do you prefer
> another way?
> 3) I added the filename of the file where is extracted the comment to
> the extracted comments
> box (If you like it like this, i am going to make it like a link, so
> if you want to show the message 
> in the source you just need to click there). What do you think about
> added it there? Do you prefer to 
> have it like in poedit with right click in the message table?
> Any other suggestion? 
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