El dom, 17-02-2008 a las 14:13 +0100, Kenneth Nielsen escribió:
> Hey everybody
> I'm writing to this list even though this question isn't only
> pertaining to translation, but that is the way I found it.
> I haven't bookmarked the gnome bugzilla site therefore I always find
> it via google. So I fire up google and search for "gnome bugzilla".
> The first result in the list is the correct one bugzilla.gnome.org but
> the description of the link is weird, because it makes it look like
> it's only the bugtracker for Gimp. The text on the link is this
> Gnome Ticket Reports - Package Gimp
> List of known bugs in Gimp.
> Does anybody know why this happens? That may make it more difficult
> for new people to find the bugtracker and obviously we don't want that
> to happen. Originally I though it was due to the restructuring of the
> website, which is why I haven't reported it before, because this
> "error" has been there for quite a while, at least a year.

I reported it a about a year ago (#410413). Olav provided an explanation
while he closed it as NOTABUG.


Claudio Saavedra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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