2008/2/20, Leonardo Fontenelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> 1. There's no intuitive way, but you could look at
> http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/gtranslator

I know for that one, but I'm in charge of the whole GNOME modules so...

2. Use xml2po. First of all, "xml2po --help" is one of the most
> informatives help messages ever, with examples included. Second, most
> of the time you'll want to "xml2po -u ab_CD.po ../C/*.xml"

Thanks for the docs in xml format. And for the po ones?

3. No you can't, as far as I know, unless you write a quite clever
> shell script. Each module has in fact its own SVN repository (revision
> numbers are independent), so you can't commit to more than one at
> once.

Snirf, thanks.

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