El vie, 07-03-2008 a las 18:38 +0530, Runa Bhattacharjee escribió:
> Hello,


> >> Are the msgstr[1] strings required to be manually removed or the 
> >> msgstr[0] content copied in for them?
> >>     
> >
> >
> > Yeah, please, remove msgstr[1] if your language doesn't have plural
> > forms at all, you don't need it at all.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> >   
> >
> What about strings with variables (to indicate the plural number) 
> exclusively in the plural version of the string? Deleting these strings 
> would do away with messages that might be required in certain circumstances.
> e.g
> msgid "One file has been modified"
> msgid_plural "%d files have been modified"
> The earlier example from the file-roller package is of similar nature.

Well, given that the language doesn't have plural form, msgstr[0] would
have msgstr[0] "something in your language %d" with the variable in its
correct place in the sentence, but I hope you understand it. Not having
plural forms just means that is the same for 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc..

> Retaining, these strings with the "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; 
> plural=0;\n"  in the header causes msgfmt errors too.

You only need to leave msgid, msgid_plural and msgstr[0], msgstr[0] can
use the format string even if msgid doesn't use it.


> Thanks
> regards
> Runa

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