2008/3/11, daniel g. siegel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> wait ;) you dont even have to delete the tagged thingie..
> just merge the HEAD revision and the one before the commit with svn
> merge. this will remove the head and delete your commit
> daniel

Thanks for your reply. I was sort of wondering, could I possibly get you to
help me with this. I really don't know much about svn other then the
"checkout, (updated translation), status, commit"-routine I ususally use.
And I really don't want to mess anything up here right before release. Just
to make things absolutely clear, what I want to do is to remove commit 6665
in this folder http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/glib/tags/GLIB_2_16_0/  where I
mistakenly commited a translation instead of doing it in one of the braches
http://svn.gnome.org/viewvc/glib/branches/ like I wanted, (and which I did
Regards Kenneth Nielsen
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