
Most important thing first: apologies for all the troubles that
happened during the 2.21 cycle for translators (especially the problems
with late new strings in gio/gvfs and the late release notes). I think
it's been a tough cycle for you, but you've still managed to do a lot of
hard work. And most important to me, you've been supportive of a big
effort around gio/gvfs, which is really fantastic.

I'd like to have us improve things a bit. Hopefully, we've all learnt
from the gio/gvfs experience how to handle big core changes and I expect
us to be able to avoid problems for translators on this side. So
hopefully, this shouldn't happen any more :-)

For release notes, we're supposed to have a freeze at least one week
before the actual release. It didn't happen this year because we had
problems finding people to work on the release notes. We'll try to not
have this happen again, but we clearly need volunteers to help with the
release notes. (this is semi-hidden call for volunteers ;-))

One last item is that more and more teams are now able to translate the
documentation, but it's very hard since it's not frozen and can change
at the very last minute. Claude suggested on IRC that we add a new
documentation freeze for translators: the freeze would start the
week-end before the .0 release. This way the documentation can still be
updated during the last week before the release and translators have a
few days to update the translations. I think it'd make sense to lift the
freeze after the .0 release (so documentation can still be updated
between .0 and .1) and enforce it again the week-end before the .1
release, and so on.

Any comment about this proposal?


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