Ysgrifennodd Claude Paroz:
> I suspect this will be difficult to solve if only two languages are
> concerned. This problem could in theory affect other stock items too,
> and we have currently no mechanism to link a question with the
> corresponding stock buttons.

This is a good point; part of my reason for asking here was to discover 
whether it was a more far-reaching problem than just for the Celtic 
languages, and whether any kind of deep change might be needed.

(I believe I could create a mechanism to link a question with the stock 
buttons, but another part of the reason for the question is to find out 
whether it's worth doing so.)

> Couldn't you find a way to rephrase the question in the translation so
> as the answer is always the generic yes and no?

I think the form of the question would be no less stilted than the 
current solution of using the generic yes and no for everything, so in 
that case the status quo is the place to stay.



Thomas Thurman, tthurman at gnome, http://blogs.gnome.org/tthurman
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