as a petition from Andre!:

Being part of a translation team I always find discussions about what
word should be translated into another (Spanish in my case), and witch
words should not be translated from English, most of the words are
technical words; I would like to gather the thoughts of everyone to
compile a list of such words, english to spanish or to any other
languaje, like this ones for example:

toggle: in english this is a regural expresion that means the action
that comes before you turn something on or of, in the case of spanish
that action does not exist and as so we need the toggle on or toggle
off in order to translate it correctly, the closest word i could find
to interpret this on spanish is "dele" that it could be a very
informal push...

socket, most of the times sockets are not translated, when we have a
word for it that is "ranura", jet sometimes socket is not an actual
socket but a virtual socket, making it weird for other languages to
choose the translated word for socket, and instead end up using
socket... untranslated

wrapper, wikipedia as my source, wrapper is not the actual name of the
thing, it is actually (i might be wrong) adapter design pattern, then
it turned into wrapper pattern and finally made it  into wrapper
alone. Now that is fine, but some other languages might have a problem
with the literal meaning of wrapper, hence we struggle to find a
translation or leave it a another tech-term, i have seen it as a
technical term and as group of word that make up the meaning of
wrapping, like make the text appear at the beginning of the line when
it reaches the end of the windows...

host, is translated sometimes too, but not all the times and that is
an easy one in spanish "anfitrion" jet sometimes it is just host.

i know there are other words to add in this list, it might be
interesting to find out what others thing and feel about it!, who
knows maybe it might be helpful documentation to fix the automatic
translators :)
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