On 7/3/08, Jonathan Matthew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'll be making a new rhythmbox release (from svn trunk) on Monday at the
>  earliest.  We won't make any string changes until after the release is
>  done.
>  Also, help/zh_CN/zh_CN.po in rhythmbox is currently causing distcheck
>  problems.  The xml document produced from this file does not validate.
>  Line 1014 of the .po file contains text between the closing
>  'guimenuitem' tag and the closing 'menuchoice' tag:
>  msgstr 
> "要从电台清单中删除某个电台时,选择<menuchoice><guimenu>编辑</guimenu><guimenuitem>删除</guimenuitem>删除</menuchoice>。也可以右键单击>该电台,选择<guimenuitem>删除</guimenuitem>。"
>  which apparently is not allowed.  If this is
>  not fixed by the time I make the release, I will simply remove the extra
>  text, which probably won't look very good.

Please file a bug report (unless you have already done so and just
forgot to include the bug number):

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