El dt 08 de 07 de 2008 a les 21:07 +0200, en/na Jorge González González
va escriure:
> El mar, 08-07-2008 a las 20:59 +0200, Nacho escribió:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > right now I am working in a subversion plugin for gtranslator.
> > Which options do you think should have a subversion client for
> > a translation tool?
> > For now I am working in: Add (svn add), Update (svn update) and Commit
> > (svn ci).
> > Do you want anything else? (Maybe diff?)
> yup! diff would be awesome, even if it launches an external app such as
> meld. (meld rocks for svn).
> > 

+1000 to just launch meld, it's my more treasured app while reviewing
translations :)

Don't know if it can be in gtranslator's interface (like any other

Cheers and keep up with this great work!

> > Regards.
> Many thanks Nacho.
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