2008-07-30 klockan 19:14 skrev Gabriel Burt:
> We've released Banshee 1.2, a month and a half after the
> 1.0 release.  It brings some great new features and lots of bug
> fixes and performance improvements.

*puts on i18n coordination team hat*

So, will you release 1.2.1 within 2 weeks to account for translation
updates? This has been suggested on gnome-i18n after your announcement, but
my message proposing this was never replied to...

Follow-up to gnome-i18n@gnome.org please (to keep things centralized).

  mvrgr, Wouter

:wq                                                       mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                      web http://uwstopia.nl

you're a carbon kid with a sinister diagram       -- alpinestars/brian molko

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