Hi all,

all strings of brasero are now frozen. We don't intend to modify or add
any new string until the release of 0.8.4 which should happen in two
weeks (around the 15th of Dec). Given the late changes I hope that will
be enough for you. If not, please let me know so we can arrange

We also intend to branch trunk for 0.8.4 and start development on a new
series next weekend (around the 7th of December). I'll let you know when
it's done.

As some of you may have noticed, many strings have changed since last
release due to a general review of our strings. This was compulsory
considering we proposed brasero for inclusion in GNOME and strings were
one of the flaws people saw in brasero. I managed to cut the number of
strings by 10% (approximately 100) in the process, removed some too
technical strings and fixed problems of capitalizations and typos. Sorry
about the changes.

I also tried to add more comments to clear things up so if you feel a
string deserves to be commented or looks strange, please let me know so
I can add a comment or fix the string before the release. Of course, I'd
let you know if such a change happened and I hope it won't.

Again thanks all for your excellent work.

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