On 12/30/08, Stéphane Raimbault <stephane.raimba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Translators,
> You like Damned Lies and Vertimus, we too, so we have merged both!
>  The goal is to promote good translations and to help newcomers with
> advices so the team coordinator is able to assign new roles to the team
>  members (as reviewer or committer).

This is extremely great and exciting news!

One question: Can one and the same person have several roles? That
would be useful in a small team which has a few experienced and
responsible translators, who can be trusted to essentially review
their own translations.

If so, how does one add several roles to one person?

>  Claude and me still continue to work on Damned Lies on our free time and
>  we'll be happy to receive patches and comments. If you know Django, get
>  involved in the code!

Many big thanks to all of you (including Olav)!

>  We hope 2009 will be a good year for the GNOME Translation Project!

So do I. :-)

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