2009-03-11 klockan 12:51 skrev suso:
> Wouter Bolsterlee escrebeu:
> > 2009-03-10 klockan 21:46 skrev Gil Forcada:
> > > You can attach all ready-to-commit translations in l10n.gnome.org and
> > > ask in this mailing list or irc to someone to commit them.
> > Oh, while we're at it: why does the last column on the language overview
> > page on l10n.gnome.org only show "translating" or "translated" states?
> DL states that after reserving translation automatically. I reserved all the
> translations as the first step of the process to obtain SVN access, as I 
> informed in this list in a previous mail.

I'm sorry for the confusion: this was intended as a general question about
Damned Lies. I did not intend to question your workflow at all (which I
think is alright).

    — Wouter

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