On mán, 2009-03-30 at 10:27 +0200, Jorge González wrote:
> I'm having some issues with keyboard accelerators. Recently some users
> opened bugs concerning the usage of keyboard accelerators with letters
> containing accents (ie.e _í, _á, etc); apparently they do not work,
> however I'm quite sure I tried them long ago and they did work. How
> are other teams that use accents (and such) dealing with this problem?
> Are you avoiding using keyboard accelerators with these letters?

Hi all, 
the icelandic language has lots of accented letters and also letters
that do not belong to the {a-z} domain. Letters such as ðþæö and its
uppercase representations, are produced by pressing a single key. 

The menu item Tools translates to  "Áhöld" and one of our translators
has resorted to solutions like "Áhöld (_A)"

In our translations we avoid accelerators that are not in the {a-z, A-Z}
domain. Letters like þæö are transcribed to the UTF8 ligatures,
(th,ae,o) and then we use the first letter of the ligature. 

Another approach was to use exactly the same accelerators as in the
english version. In that case the translation of Tools would be "Áhöld
(_T)" . 

Some people do not like to use a program in their own languange, because
the accelerators are different from english. In order to promote the use
of application translations, I approve of the translators decision, to
preserve the original english accelerators. 

Anna Jonna Ármannsdóttir coordinator 
The Icelandic GNOME Localisation team 
http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/is was 11% translated

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