On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Tirumurti Vasudevan
<agnih...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 3:02 PM, Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> Am Samstag, den 30.05.2009, 10:36 +0530 schrieb Tirumurti Vasudevan:
>> > still the same problem here.
>> Definitely no need to post the same output again then. Would be better
>> if you could explain what you've tried, e.g. removing the checkout and
>> cloning again.
> oh i have not cloned again.
> just checked if the problem has disappeared.
> same commands and so same output.
> tomorrow i will clone again in the free bandwidth time.
> or is there a better method?

I looked again the 'I messed up' section at
and I realised that the instructions were not clear enough.
In particular, it gave the impression (no, it said erroneously) that
'git reset --hard'
makes your local repository in sync with git.gnome.org, which is not
true in some cases.

Please see that section again and I am looking forward for feedback.


(I attach below the text, however I think it's better to read from
http://live.gnome.org/TranslationProject/GitHowTo because the markup
makes it easier).

I messed up. Now?

If your local repository is messed up, you can try to reset any
changes so that it matches what you have in git.gnome.org In this way,
you can avoid cloning again.

$ git reset --hard
HEAD is now at f4e0fe0 Push this additional commit..
$ _

Any file that is already tracked (i.e. has been 'git add-ed') will
change back to the tracked version. That is, any modifications you did
and did not commit will disappear.

However, this does not mean that your local copy is the same with what
is available upstream at the origin, git.gnome.org. You might either
1) made one or more commits in your local repository and therefore you
are ahead of the origin, or 2) you might have removed one or more
commits from your local repository and therefore you are behind the

To figure out whether your repository is ahead of the origin, run git
log origin..master. If you see any commit entries, then you are indeed
ahead of the origin. You can take off those commits using the command
git reset --hard HEAD^, which takes off one commit at a time.

To figure out whether your repository is behind the origin, run git
log master..origin. If you see any commit entries, then you are indeed
behind the origin (your local repository is missing some commits that
are available at git.gnome.org). You can update your local repository
using the command git up, which is the normal command described in
this page to update your repository.

In either of the two cases above, it is important to run git up at the
end to verify that your local repository is in sync with upstream.

If you report any problems with your local repository, show in your
email that you have followed the steps above.
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