Hi Kenneth,

--On Montag, Juni 15, 2009 13:42:29 +0200
Kenneth Nielsen <k.nielse...@gmail.com> wrote:


However, we're unsure how graphics/pictures are translated.

One possibility for handling localised graphics/pictures is the one
currently used for the software documentation. It has the obvious
advantage that we (translators) know it. So what happens is that in a
"po" folder there is a subfolder "C" that contains the orginals, the
english files, within that is another subfolder "figures" that contain
the figures used in the documentation. So what we do to localise them is
that under the po folder we create a subfolder for our language "da" and
under that we create a similar subfolder called "figure" and then we
simply place localised graphics/pictures in that folder with names
identical to the originals, and then they will automaticalle get used.

Since this structure is already used with xml2po I guess it would be easy
to extend.

The speciality with Plone is that a file is not only a file. It's a file
additionally (Meta)data used in the webpage (Title, Description, Tags,
The glue code between plone and the translation repositories has to deal
the storage part.

Yes. But I don't see how that makes it more difficult. Put metadata in
the po-file along with the rest of the document and the figure file in a
folder with a unique (and non-localised) name. Then when fetching
translations, get the translations from the po-file, check if the
localised figure exist in a certain folder, if it does, use it, and if it
does not, use the english one.

Yes, that's a plan. As Jens and I are Plone guyes, the question was an
attemp to get thoughts or an recommendation from someone who knows gnomes
workflow :-) and an easy way to connect the two.


Anyway. I hope this was the kind of feedback you guys were looking for.

Yes, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it very much.

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