Christian Rose escrebeu:
> On 3/27/09, Suso Baleato <> wrote:
> [...]
> >  > > Three months after my request I didn't receive SVN access or message 
> > denying
> >  > > it. So this is what I plan to do in order to contribute with a full 
> > galician
> >  > > translation of 2.26:
> [...]
> >  > > - Asking again for SVN access
> >
> > Doing. So: I'd like to ask again about my request on obtaining SVN access,
> >  in order to asumme effectively the coordination of the Galician 
> > Localization
> >  Team.
> >
> >  Could we proceed with that?
> >
> >  In case of nick validity, form filling or any other question must be solved
> >  before, please tell me and I'll do.
> Please see for possible reasons
> Christian

Thanks Christian,

This thread begun more than six months ago when Nacho resigned as coordinator,
after some time of excellent contributions. Then I offered myself to assume
that role, and after obtaining its own agreement, I succesfully managed to
maintain galician translation updated.

While waiting for repository access during those last months, Nacho helped us
commiting our translations; but when he is not available -like now- we can't 
proceed because nobody else has writing rights there.

I followed all the instructions and I didn't receive no objections with my
work. In case I'll might complete any error or unknown pending task you can 
just inform me and I'll proceed: as far as I know, the account is simply 
waiting for approval by admins.


Xesús Manuel Benítez Baleato                                  Coordenador
Centro de Referéncia e Servizos de Software Libre
Praza de Europa, nº 15A, 6ºC 15707    Santiago de Compostela (Galiza/ ES)
Tel/ Fax: (0034) 981 957 867/ 881 999 113   <suso.baleato @>

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