On Fri, 2009-07-24 at 22:17 +0200, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> The following messages (and other, just an extract) were added to Nautilus
> msgid "Start the selected volume"
> msgid "This file cannot be started"
> msgid "This file cannot be stopped"
> msgid "Start the volume associated with the open folder"
> msgid "Stop the volume associated with the open folder"
> msgid "_Start" (with no context info)
> msgid "Start the selected volume"
> msgid "Stop the selected volume"
> msgid "_Start Multi-disk Drive"
> I wasn't able to find links for this glib/gvfs feature (something
> related to virtual drives, raid and similiar stuff).

The relevant bug is this one


that introduces an abstract start/stop concept for GDrive objects. It is
designed to cover these use-cases

 - Starting/stopping multi-disk drives (RAID arrays, LVM volumes)
 - Connecting/disconnecting to block devices on the network
 - Shutting down external drives
 - Unlocking hard disks

and we will probably overload it for more things in the future, e.g.
extend the GDriveStartStopType enumeration. Right now the implementation
only supports

 - Linux MD Software RAID
 - Shutting down hard disks attached via USB

but as more features are added to DeviceKit-disks/gnome-disk-utility we
will support more things. E.g. when we add LVM2 support, then this will
just work in Nautilus without any code changes.

> Now, the question is: there aren't any other verbs then start and stop
> to describe this action? Is it "jargon" or techinical? Honestly I feel
> a bit confusing to use a common term here, expecially speking about
> drives, volumes and files.

Right now we never use the generic start/stop terms; they are only there
for the case where we extend the GDriveStartStopType enumeration and
people are using an old version of Nautilus. For example the UI should
say "Start Multi-disk Device", not "Start":


or "Safely remove drive", not "Stop"


> I'm for a full message review: if I'll translate them literally,
> Italian GNOME users will pester me with their complaints!
> PS do we have similar stuff in glib/gvfs/g-d-u ? I didn't yet checked.

Yup. This feature included changes in GIO, GVfs and Nautilus. Also note
that the terminology in Palimpsest is different since the target
audience for Palimpsest (intermediate to expert) differs from that of
Nautilus (novice users). For example, we use the term "Detach" instead
of "Safely remove".

Hope this clarifies.


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